Monday, July 6, 2009

The Hardest Part.

Well guess what? I decided to follow suit and create a blog of my own. Not that I'll ever write in it.

Y'know what the hardest part about making this blog was? Picking the template. It's like - 'I hate this one but this one's not much better. Oh this one is alright-' until it loads and then you realise how hideous the colour scheme is.

The other difficulty lay in remembering my password for Gmail and when I finally tried the one i thought it was originally I was right. See, I. in my genius, thought that it possible couldn't be that password. Tried every other possible password only to discover at the end that it was. That really frustrated me.

Anyways I'm off.
Nighty all,

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that password thing happens to me all the time. But I am sorry, that template is already used by Emily, and I think, although it is great, I am now going to be confused. As usual. Bye Bye
